Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi Raspberry Pi je računalna ploča veličine kreditne kartice koja se uključuje u TV i na tipkovnicu. To je minijaturan ARM PC koji možete koristiti za neke od radnji PC računala, kao na primjer proračunske tablice, obradu teksta, igre i gledanje videa visoke razlučivosti. Raspberry Pi modeli isporučuju se kao računalna ploča, bez memorije, napajanja, tipkovnice, kućišta i kabela. |
New Raspberry Pi 2The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B represents a major performance increase over its single-core based predecessors: up to six times faster in fact. As well as a new quad-core Cortex-A7 processor, the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B now features 1GB of RAM memory. |
NEW Raspberry Pi Model B+The Raspberry Pi Model B+ incorporates a number of enhancements and new features. Improved power consumption, increased connectivity and greater IO are among the improvements to this powerful, small and lightweight ARM based computer. |
Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development KitThe new Compute Module from Raspberry Pi delivers greater flexibility for professional embedded applications. This new Raspberry Pi board has been developed specifically for engineers in the professional market to create their own embedded system.sensor as the standard visible light camera with the optical light filter removed to enable IR light frequencies. |
![]() Features of the Raspberry Pi Boards (Model A and Model B)
- Broadcom BCM2835 700MHz ARM1176JZFS processor with FPU and Videocore 4 GPU
![]() Raspberry Pi Accessories